Your Personalized Health
and Fitness Program
Genetic Analysis by
Genetics accounts for
- 50-60% of athletic performance
- 40-50% of aerobic fitness
- 70% of our metabolism and body weight
One diet or exercise program does not work for everyone. What fits your body best is coded in your DNA. To get started, talk to your personal trainer. He or she can help organize your genetic test and then upload your data to to produce your personal health report.
Armed with your personal genetic blueprint, you can work with your trainer to finally achieve the goals you’ve struggled with for years. Optimize your diet, choose a fitness program that’s both enjoyable and effective and protect your future health.
While we can’t change our genes, we can optimize our lifestyle to what fits them best. We can also change the strength with which our genes express their effects. This can all be achieved through, diet, exercise and natural supplements. Decoding your genetic data provides you with a detailed blueprint of how your body works. It allows your personal trainer to be truly personal by advising you how you react to factors such as foods, exercise and stress. It provides the foundation for a highly individualized lifestyle and treatment protocol that includes your ideal diet and exercise regimen.
The report contains individual details on:
- Metabolism: How often you should eat and how that affects your weight. What controls
your metabolism, food cravings and hunger? What is your best diet? Is Intermittent Fasting
right for you? - Diet: How you respond to and handle dietary carbohydrates, fats, proteins and dairy, with the exact amount of each macronutrient you need to manage weight, balance blood sugar levels and prevent disease.
- Exercise and Cardiovascular Health: What type of cardiovascular and resistance training is best for you with respect to oxygenation, inflammation, recovery, cardiovascular and metabolic health.
- Stress Response: An in-depth look at the production, transportation, binding and receptor density of, cortisol, adrenaline, noradrenaline and CRH to determine how you respond to stress, the strength of its effect and the ability to turn off stress pathways once the stressor is resolved.